Boost Your IELTS Listening Score with in 2023 These Effective Techniques


IELTS Listening Tips

It is essential to develop effective listening skills and strategies to perform well in the IELTS Listening exam. Here are some useful tips, with examples, to help you ace the IELTS Listening exam:

  1. Orientate yourself to the text: Before listening to the audio, take a few seconds to read through the questions and get a general idea of what the audio is about. For example, if the audio is a conversation between two people discussing a holiday destination, the questions may ask about the location, time of year, and activities available.
  2. Listen for specific information: Focus on listening for specific information that answers the questions. For example, if the audio is about a restaurant menu, listen for the types of cuisine available, the prices, and any special offers.
  3. Identify detail: Pay attention to details such as dates, names, numbers, and specific facts mentioned in the audio. For example, if the audio is a news report about a recent event, listen for the date, location, and the number of people affected.
  4. Follow a description: diagrams, maps, and plans: If the audio is accompanied by diagrams, maps, or plans, make sure to follow along with them. Pay attention to the instructions and labels, and try to identify the key features. For example, if the audio is a driving direction guide, follow the map and directions to identify the turns and landmarks mentioned in the audio.
  5. Identify main ideas: Look for the main ideas and themes of the audio. This will help you answer questions that require you to identify the main idea or purpose of the audio. For example, if the audio is a lecture about global warming, the main ideas may be the causes, effects, and possible solutions to the issue.
  6. See beyond the surface meaning: Pay attention to the tone, intonation, and context of the audio. Try to understand the underlying meaning of what is being said, rather than just the surface-level information. For example, if the audio is a conversation between two friends discussing a movie, pay attention to their tone and body language to understand their true opinions about the movie.
  7. Follow signpost words: Listen for signpost words such as 'firstly', 'secondly', 'in addition', and 'finally'. These words indicate the order and structure of the audio and can help you follow the flow of the conversation. For example, if the audio is a presentation about a company's products, the speaker may use signpost words to highlight the features and benefits of each product.
  8. Follow a talk: If the audio is a lecture or presentation, try to follow the structure of the talk. Look for introductions, main points, and conclusions, and try to identify how they relate to each other. For example, if the audio is a lecture about a historical event, the speaker may introduce the topic, discuss the causes and effects, and conclude with the significance of the event.

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