IELTS Speaking Success With IDIOMS in 2023


One way to demonstrate your mastery of the English language and impress the examiners is by using idioms in IELTS Speaking. Idioms play a crucial role in the IELTS Speaking test and can significantly enhance your overall score. By studying and practicing commonly used idioms, you can improve your chances of success and achieve the high scores you are aiming for.

Idioms are important in the IELTS Speaking test for several reasons:

  1. Demonstrate Vocabulary Mastery: Using idioms in your speaking shows that you have a rich and diverse vocabulary, which is one of the key elements that examiners look for in the test.
  2. Enhance Fluency: Incorporating idioms into your speech can help you sound more fluent and confident, making it easier for you to express your ideas and thoughts.
  3. Add Interest and Variety: Idioms can add interest and variety to your language, making it more engaging and memorable for the examiners. They can also help you avoid repetitive language and make your speaking more dynamic.
  4. Impress the Examiners: Using idioms effectively can help you make a positive impression on the examiners and demonstrate your ability to understand and use advanced English language structures.




1.     "Cost an arm and a leg" - meaning: to be very expensive. Example: "I'd love to buy that new car, but it would cost an arm and a leg."

2.     "Bend over backward" - meaning: to try very hard to please someone or help them. Example: "I'll bend over backward to make sure you have a good time on your visit."

3.     "A blessing in disguise" - meaning: a situation that seems bad at first, but later turns out to be good. Example: "Losing my job turned out to be a blessing in disguise because I was able to start my own business."

4.     "A piece of cake" - meaning: easy to do. Example: "The math test was a piece of cake for me."

5.     "Actions speak louder than words" - meaning: actions are more important than words in showing what someone thinks or feels. Example: "I know you say you love me, but your actions speak louder than words."

6.     "Add insult to injury" - meaning: to make a bad situation even worse. Example: "To add insult to injury, it started raining just as we were moving all the furniture outside."

7.     "Beat around the bush" - meaning: to avoid speaking directly or clearly about something. Example: "Stop beating around the bush and just tell me the truth."

8.     "Better late than never" - meaning: it's better to arrive or do something late than not to do it at all. Example: "I know I'm an hour late, but better late than never."

9.     "Break a leg" - meaning: a good luck expression used in theater or performing arts. Example: "Good luck on your performance tonight, break a leg!"

10.  "Burn the midnight oil" - meaning: to work late into the night. Example: "I have to burn the midnight oil to finish this project on time."

11.  "Cry over spilt milk" - meaning: to complain about something that cannot be changed. Example: "There's no use crying over spilt milk, let's focus on fixing the problem."

12.  "Don't look a gift horse in the mouth" - meaning: do not complain about or question a gift. Example: "I know it's not exactly what you wanted, but don't look a gift horse in the mouth."

13.  "Drive someone up the wall" - meaning: to make someone very angry or frustrated. Example: "His constant talking is driving me up the wall."

14.  "Easy as pie" - meaning: very easy to do. Example: "The recipe is easy as pie, you'll have no trouble making it."

15.  "Eat humble pie" - meaning: to apologize or admit one was wrong. Example: "I had to eat humble pie and apologize for my mistake."

16.  "Feel under the weather" - meaning: to feel sick or unwell. Example: "I'm feeling a bit under the weather, I think I need to stay home."

17.  "Get the ball rolling" - meaning: to start something. Example: "Let's get the ball rolling on this project."

18.  "Give someone the cold shoulder" - meaning: to ignore someone or treat them with indifference. Example: "I gave him


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