The speaking component of the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) is designed to assess a candidate's ability to communicate in English in a variety of different settings. The test is divided into three parts: an introduction and interview, a long turn, and a discussion. In this blog, we will take a closer look at each of these sections and provide an example of how a candidate might perform in each.

The introduction and interview is the first part of the speaking test. During this section, the candidate is asked to introduce themselves, their background, and their current occupation. They will also be asked a series of questions about themselves, their interests, and their experiences. This section is designed to assess the candidate's ability to speak confidently and fluently, as well as their ability to provide relevant information about themselves.


Examiner: Can you tell me your name, please?

 Candidate: My name is John Smith.

Examiner: And where are you from, John?

 Candidate: I'm from the United States.

 Examiner: What do you do for a living?

 Candidate: I'm a software developer.

 Examiner: What kind of software do you develop?

 Candidate: I mostly work on enterprise applications for large companies.

 Examiner: Do you enjoy your job?

 Candidate: Yes, I love it. I find it very fulfilling to be able to build software that can improve people's lives and make their jobs easier.

The long turn is the second part of the speaking test. During this section, the candidate is given a topic and asked to speak about it for one to two minutes. This section is designed to assess the candidate's ability to speak at length on a specific topic and to organize their thoughts and ideas in a logical and coherent way.


Examiner: I'd like you to talk about the importance of education.

Candidate: Education is one of the most important things a person can have. It provides individuals with the skills and knowledge they need to succeed in life. Not only does it provide the foundation for a successful career, but it also helps people to become more informed and engaged citizens. Education can also be a great equalizer, providing people from all backgrounds with the opportunity to achieve their full potential. Furthermore, education is a lifelong process and should be continuously pursued throughout one's life.

The discussion is the final part of the speaking test. During this section, the candidate is asked to discuss a topic with the examiner. This section is designed to assess the candidate's ability to participate in a conversation, to express and justify their opinions, and to respond to the examiner's questions and comments.


Examiner: Now, I'd like to talk about the impact of technology on society. 

Candidate: Sure, I think technology has had a huge impact on society. It's made many things easier and more convenient, but it's also created some problems.

 Examiner: What kind of problems do you think technology has created?

 Candidate: Well, for one, it's made it harder for people to disconnect and relax. People are constantly checking their phones and social media, which can be very stressful. Additionally, technology is also making some jobs obsolete, which can be difficult for people who have lost their jobs.

 Examiner: Do you think the benefits of technology outweigh the drawbacks?

 Candidate: I think it depends on how we use it. If we use it responsibly and in moderation, it can be a great tool for making our lives better. But if we let it take over, it can be very harmful.

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